Hey all I am trying to get this SQlite query to work in my Android app but for some reason its giving me the error of:
no such function: json_object (code 1): , while compiling
But it works in my DB Browser when I run the query?
My query is this:
SELECT json_group_array(
'name', name,
'ip', ip,
'mac', mac,
'token', token
FROM tvs
And the output is:
Putting that query into my Android app:
Cursor cursor;
try {
cursor = db.rawQuery(
"json_group_array(" +
"json_object(" +
"'name', name," +
"'ip', ip," +
"'mac', mac," +
"'token', token" +
")" +
")" +
"FROM " +
"tvs", null);
String result = cursor.getString(0);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
The error shows up when on the db.rawQuery line.
Does Androids SQlite not have support for json_group_array/json_object?
Does Androids SQlite not have support for json_group_array/json_object?
Based upon
The JSON functions and operators are built into SQLite by default, as of SQLite version 3.38.0 (2022-02-22).
Then support of the functions would only be for API 34+ (Version 14 or U) according to Version of SQLite used in Android?
Android versions of the built-in SQLite are historically behind the available versions of SQLite.