I have 5 buttons which will fire file selection dialog to populate 5 text fields with the selected file-path. One button per file selection to fill a single WPF form text field.
I don't want to do this with a switch statement by repeating 6 lines of code for each button. I want to simplify it.
I can get the sender button name but what I cant do is set the text field using a variable set through the switch option. Any ideas?
# General buttons file selection handler
$WPFselectmergefile1.AddHandler([System.Windows.Controls.Button]::ClickEvent, $selectmergefile)
$WPFselectmergefile2.AddHandler([System.Windows.Controls.Button]::ClickEvent, $selectmergefile)
# handler function - as is - so this one works with lines per option.
[System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler]$Script:SelectMergeFile = {
param($sender, $e)
switch($sender.name) {
'selectmergefile1' {
FileDetails 'mergefile1' $WPFmergefile1.Text 2 # prep store
$x = File $Global:SourceFolder
$WPFmergefile1.Text = $x
$Global:SelectedMergeFile1 = $x
FileDetails 'mergefile1' $WPFmergefile1.Text 2 # update store
'selectmergefile2' {
FileDetails 'mergefile2' $WPFmergefile2.Text 2
$x = File $Global:SourceFolder
$WPFmergefile2.Text = $x
$Global:SelectedMergeFile2 = $x
FileDetails 'mergefile2' $WPFmergefile2.Text 2
# What I want to do:
[System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler]$Script:SelectMergeFile = {
param($sender, $e)
$opt = $sender.Substring($sender.length-1)
FileDetails "mergefile$opt" $WPFmergefile$opt.Text 2
$x = File $Global:SourceFolder
$WPFmergefile$opt.Text = $x
$Global:SelectedMergeFile$opt = $x
FileDetails "mergefile$opt" $WPFmergefile$opt.Text 2
I have tried for variable substitution:
"mergefile$opt" # which works
$WPFmergefile$opt.Text # which doesnt
$WPFmergefile$($opt).Text # which doesnt
$Global:SelectedMergeFile$opt = .. # which doesnt
Not sure what I need to do here..
As suggested in the comments, you can use Get-Variable -ValueOnly
to retrieve the value of a variable by name:
(Get-Variable "mergefile$opt" -ValueOnly).Text
That being said, you might want to consider organizing your controls in a hashtable or other dictionary type instead.
Assuming you have something like the folowing in place to automatically assign XAML controls to variables:
$xaml.SelectNodes("//*[@Name]") | ForEach-Object {
Set-Variable -Name "WPF$($_.Name)" -Value $Window.FindName($_.Name)
Replace it with:
# create hashtable to hold the control references
$WPFControls = @{}
$xaml.SelectNodes("//*[@Name]") | ForEach-Object {
$WPFControls[$_.Name] = $Window.FindName($_.Name)
Now you can easily reference the controls by name:
$WPFControls["mergefile$opt"].Text = $x