
Git+Bash / GitBash: Add files matching both first-letter-uppercase or all-lowercase filenames of certain pattern along with respective plurals

I have some Laravel/Livewire files matching filename patterns like seen in below:




Now I want to git add only those files that contain String1 or string1 (apparently disregarding the case) and only those that are within the [L|l]ivewire folder (disregarding the case here too).

I know that git add supports the asterisk and some of regex, but does it support all the bash related pattern matches ? Any ideas on how can I achieve what I want? Hope the requirement is clear.

From the first 2 informative comments, I am wondering if this would be correct: git add *[Ll]ivewire/*String1[?s] ? I am not so well-versed with regex that much, that's why I wanna know if anyone can come up with a way or partial way. I don't wanna end up adding files incorrectly.


  • You can use find to locate the desired files:

    $ find . -path '*/[Ll]ivewire/*' -name '*[Ss]tring1*'

    Once you have a find command that matches the desired files, you can run git add on each file by passing an -exec option:

    $ find . -path '*/[Ll]ivewire/*' -name '*[Ss]tring1*' -exec git add '{}' +
    $ git status -s
    A  app/Livewire/EditString1.php
    A  app/Livewire/String1Table.php
    A  app/Livewire/String1s.php
    A  resources/views/livewire/edit-string1.blade.php
    A  resources/views/livewire/string1-table.blade.php
    A  resources/views/livewire/string1s.blade.php
    ?? app/Models/