I have a ClockObj which has an AlarmObj in a "HAS A" OOP relationship. Or should I say injected through the constructor.
Inside the AlarmObj I have a isAlarmOn boolean variable. I am returning it using getter.
class AlarmObj {
isAlarmOn = true
get getAlarmOnOffStatus() {
return this.isAlarmOn;
class ClockObj {
constructor(AlarmObjArg) {
this.AlarmObj = AlarmObjArg
if (this.AlarmObj.getAlarmOnOffStatus === true) {
AlarmObj = new AlarmObj();
new ClockObj(AlarmObj)
However it return undefined and when debugging I found that getter is called after the if statement. Is that normal behavior or something is wrong here ?
I created this structure based on your description and it works
class AlarmObj {
isAlarmOn = true
get getAlarmOnOffStatus() { return this.isAlarmOn; }
class ClockObj {
AlarmObj = new AlarmObj()
constructor() {
if (this.AlarmObj.getAlarmOnOffStatus === true) {
new ClockObj()