
Mat-Tab-Group not loading until clicked

So I'm having a problem with my angular project. When the application first loads, the tabs do not display. However, once I click on the application I get the tabs working just fine.

The relevant code is this: In rooms.component.html:

<mat-tab-group color="accent" class="rooms">
<mat-tab *ngFor="let room of rooms"
[class.selected]=" room === selectedRoom"
(click)="onSelect(room)" label="{{}}">
<mat-card class="example-card">
      <div mat-card-avatar class="example-header-image"></div>
      <mat-card-subtitle>${{room.price}} por noche</mat-card-subtitle>
    <img mat-card-image src="" alt="Photo of a Shiba Inu">
        Equipada con:
        -Garrafa de agua
        -Reloj Despertador
        -Secadora de pelo
        -Ducha de agua caliente
      <button mat-raised-button>Reservar</button>
      <button mat-button>Compartir</button>

And on app.component.html:

<mat-toolbar color="primary">
  {{ title }}


  • Try using <ng-template ngFor let-room [ngForOf]="rooms"><mat-tab></mat-tab></ng-template>

    instead of <mat-tab *ngFor="let room of rooms"></mat-tab>.
    I hope this help if someone have same issue.
    If it now working, you can try using lazy-loadig: <ng-template matTabContent>