
Purpose of last 2 while loops in the merge algorithm of merge sort sorting technique

The code below was taught in my Data Structures and Algorithms class. I am currently reviewing it in preparation for exams. The code, by the lecturer, works well.

#define size 34
using namespace std;

int i,j,n;
int array[size];

void getvalues(){
    cout<<"how many values ";
    cout<<"enter values ";
    for(i=0; i<n; i++){
void display(){
    for(i=0; i<n; i++){
        cout<<array[i]<<"  ";

void merge(int array[], int low, int mid, int high){
    i=low; //low of first half
    j=mid+1; //low of second half 
    int k=low; // LOW for temporary new sorted array that we will form
    int temp[n];
    // Its like while low of each list <= high
    while(i<=mid && j<=high){  //?????????????????????????????
        // if array at i < array at j...
        if(array[i] < array[j]){
            temp[k] = array[i]; // set array at k to be equal to array at i
            i++; //move foward by one
            k++; //move foward byone
        else // if array at j < array at i...
            temp[k]=array[j]; // set array at k to be equal to array at j instead
            k++; //move foward by one
            j++; //move foward by one
    //mop remaining values
    //copy to original array
    for(i=low; i<k; i++)

void mergesort(int array[], int low, int high)
    int mid;
    if (low < high)
        // Split the data into two half.
        mergesort(array, low, mid);
        mergesort(array, mid+1, high);
        // Merge them to get sorted output.
        merge(array, low, mid, high);

 int main(){
    mergesort(array, 0, n-1);

However, I do not understand the purpose of the last 2 while loops within the merge (not mergesort) function. I thought just 1 would be enough.

Could someone kindly explain to me why we need 2 extra while loops?

Help with testing I also need help on how to test the result after the first while loop is exited. How can I print that result? I have tried using the display() function amongs other methods that return weird results or simply do not work. May I also get help with that?

Below is the "weird result" I get after trying to use display to print after the first while loop in merge function. It even results in a distortion of the result since the array is not sorted. How can I test-print in c++?

running the program after test-printing


  • Initialization: We have two sorted arrays, A and B, and we're merging them into a single sorted array, C.

    The idea of ​​the merge function is:

    1.We iterate through both arrays simultaneously using two indexes, one for each array. While both arrays have elements remaining, we compare the elements at the current index. The smaller element is appended to the combined array, C. We increase the index of the array from which we took the smaller element and increase the index of array C.

    1. if array A reaches its end before B array, we know that the remaining elements in the other array are already sorted. Therefore, we simply copy the remaining elements from that array into C. This is done in a separate loop after the main merge loop.(this is the second while loop)

    2. The third while loop does the same as 2 but checks the opposite. (if B reaches the end before A ).

    hope i helped, good luck in your exam!