
Loading ARX module fails without information

I am working with old software, in which I have a C++ project that builds a .arx module for AutoCAD 2023. When trying to load the module into AutoCAD, I get the following error message:

I have removed part of the path in the error message for integrity reasons.

Command: (ARXLOAD "D:/dev/projects/.../module.arx")
d:\dev\projects\...\module.arx cannot find a dll or other file that it needs.
; error: ARXLOAD failed

The message never tells me what dll or file that is missing. I have doubled checked the dependencies and I can not seem to find any missing .dlls.

Is there a way to troubleshoot AutoCAD or the module, in order to find more information about which dependency is missing?


  • That’s the most likely reason. Using a dependency walker is your best option I like to use this

    You can add search directories so you can eliminate the AutoCAD dependencies