
Expo Android over scroll glitch

I have an annoying glitch when using my expo app on Android. When I use ScrollView with overScrollMode set to 'always' or 'auto' and I scroll bit fast on beginning, I can reach bit further then where is actual beginning. Then when I scroll just I bit down, then it immediately snap back where ir should originally stops. And there's even more glitches when using horizontal scroll. When I do the same thing it sometimes scroll to oposite direction and do some wired stuff. It is really hard to explain. I was able to fix it all by setting overScrollMode to 'never' but I really like the effect and want use it. Does anyone else have had the same issue and how should I fix it?


  • This is unfortunately an issue in Android 14.

    The root cause is confirmed as such in an issue filed in the React Native GitHub.

    The underlying issue can be found in the Android bug tracker.