
How to animate rotation of an image inside input control?

Based on this answer, I managed to put an image as my icon appearing inside an INPUT control at its right edge. If I use a GIF that rotates, I'm all set. I only need to set the class on my control and it is "progressing".

input.busy {
  background-image: url(...);

However... Now, I want to control the pace of the rotation, so I need to actually animate the image. I can do that as shown in this blog, which works for many, but not all, elements. And my INPUT is one of the unfortunate exceptions.

div::after {
  content: "this shows";
  background-image: url(...);

input::after {
  content: "this shows not";
  background-image: url(...);

How can I rotate (in fact, animate the rotation) of an image (let's say PNG) that will reside at the rightmost edge of an INPUT tag?


  • I would use a container containing an image and an input. Put the image on top of the input and add a .loading class to the container whenever you want to show the animated image.

    There is no need to use a GIF.

    If you're going to use this setup in several places, I suggest making a custom element out of it.

    .input-container {
      display: inline-grid;
      place-items: center end;
    .input-container > * {
      grid-row: 1;
      grid-column: 1;
    .input-container > img {
      display: none;
      border-radius: 50%;
      animation:spin 4s linear infinite;
    .input-container.loading > img {
      display: inline-block;
    @keyframes spin { 
      100% { 
    <div class="loading input-container">
      <input />
      <img src="https://picsum.photos/id/200/20">