I am trying to create a Sign In with Google Button but everytime credentialManager.getCredential is called, it gives me :
androidx.credentials.exceptions.NoCredentialException: During begin sign in, failure response from one tap: 10: Developer console is not set up correctly.
I tried resetting the SHA-1 Fingerprint, I've created both web application and android in the google cloud credential, I've used both the web app client id and android client id. I'm lost, please help
object DeveloperScreen{
const val GOOGLE_WEB_CLIENT_ID = "xxxxxxxxxh5n94bxxxxxxxxxxx1.apps.googleusercontent.com"
// const val GOOGLE_WEB_CLIENT_SECRET = "GxxxxxxxxCinwYDR8KQi3-wD9ugT311"
// const val GOOGLE_ANDROID_CLIENT_ID = "3xxxxxxx80-7ja1n9nknxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxens33k.apps.googleusercontent.com"
private suspend fun googleSignIn(context : Context) {
val credentialManager = androidx.credentials.CredentialManager.create(context)
val googleIdOption: GetGoogleIdOption = GetGoogleIdOption.Builder()
Log.i("auth-google-googleIdOption", googleIdOption.toString())
val request: GetCredentialRequest = GetCredentialRequest.Builder()
Log.i("auth-google-credentialRequest", request.toString())
val result = credentialManager.getCredential(
request = request,
context = context,
Log.i("auth-google-result", result.toString())
public fun DeveloperScreen1(navController : NavHostController, context : Context){
var phoneNumber by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf("") }
var email by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf("")}
var otpCode by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf("") }
var useEmail by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(false)}
var message by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf("")}
val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
Column {
var user : User? = getCurrentUser()
textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
fontSize = 5.em,
text = "DEV SCREEN",
modifier = Modifier
.padding(top = 10.dp)
text = message,
color = Color.Black
onClick = {
coroutineScope.launch {
var screenHeight = 0.dp
var screenWidth = 0.dp
var authViewModel = AuthViewModel()
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
Log.d("Initialize", "App Started")
setContent {
var context: Context = LocalContext.current
.background(color = Color(0xFFBDC6CA))
) {
MetroFCTheme {
WindowCompat.setDecorFitsSystemWindows(window, false)
} else {
window.insetsController?.apply {
// hide(WindowInsetsAndroid.Type.statusBars())
systemBarsBehavior = WindowInsetsController.BEHAVIOR_SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE
fun MainContent(
context : Context
var user by remember{ mutableStateOf<User?>(null) }
LaunchedEffect(key1 = user) {
LaunchedEffect(key1 = "login") {
user = loginAnonymously()
Log.d("DB-User", "USER LOGIN SUCCESSFUL : $user")
Log.d("DB", "2." + user.toString())
Log.d("Initialize","Database Connected")
val configuration = LocalConfiguration.current
screenHeight = configuration.screenHeightDp.dp
screenWidth = configuration.screenWidthDp.dp
var onDashboard by remember {mutableStateOf(true)}
var onMenu = false
val updateStates = { dashboard: Boolean, menu: Boolean ->
onDashboard = dashboard
onMenu = menu
val navController = rememberNavController()
bottomBar = {
if(authViewModel.isLoggedIn) NavigationBar(navController = navController, onDashboard, onMenu, updateStates)
containerColor = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.background,
contentWindowInsets = WindowInsets(0.dp),
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
) {
innerPadding ->
val scrollState = rememberScrollState()
val padding = innerPadding
navController = navController,
startDestination = if (authViewModel.isLoggedIn) Route.DEV_SCREEN else Route.DEV_SCREEN,
modifier = Modifier
// .verticalScroll(state = scrollState)
) {
composable(route = Route.DEV_SCREEN){
DeveloperScreen1(navController, context)
composable(route = Route.DASHBOARD_SCREEN) {
composable(route = Route.MENU_SCREEN) {
Process: com.metrofriedchicken.metrofc, PID: 20630 androidx.credentials.exceptions.NoCredentialException: During begin sign in, failure response from one tap: 10: Developer console is not set up correctly. at androidx.credentials.playservices.controllers.CredentialProviderBaseController$Companion.getCredentialExceptionTypeToException$credentials_play_services_auth_release(CredentialProviderBaseController.kt:110) at androidx.credentials.playservices.controllers.BeginSignIn.CredentialProviderBeginSignInController$resultReceiver$1$onReceiveResult$1.invoke(CredentialProviderBeginSignInController.kt:93)
I've tried :
I am assuming you are currently integrating the Credential Manager in debug mode and testing your integration in an app directly installed from Android Studio to your test device.
In this case you will need to configure the SHA1 key currently being used to sign your app, which is Android Studio's debug keystore.
In this case, you can get the SHA1 by running below command in Android Studio's terminal:
./gradlew signingreport
Copy the correct SHA1 fingerprint of correct Variant
and Config
from the terminal console and configure the same in cloud console for your app's Android OAuth2 client.
In order to keep the steps cleaner, I am mentioning them as below:
OAuth2 client in cloud api console with you app's package name.Web OAuth2 client
in cloud api console. This will act as the server for your appsetServerClientId(ServerClientID)
in your integration.With these simple steps alone, your integration should work fine.
Optionally, as the next step,
Android OAuth2 client
with release key's SHA1 fingerprint for production, and for recognizing this client, can give it a name "Your-app-release"