You are given a 0-indexed integer array costs where costs[i] is the cost of hiring the ith worker. You are also given two integers k and candidates. We want to hire exactly k workers according to the following rules:
A worker can only be chosen once. Return the total cost to hire exactly k workers.
To have two minheaps the left and the right one.
variable an return total_cost
import heapq
from typing import List
class Solution:
def totalCost(self, costs: List[int], k: int, candidates: int) -> int:
left_h = []
right_h = []
N = len(costs)
total_cost = 0
left_idx = candidates - 1
right_idx = N - candidates
for i in range(candidates):
heapq.heappush(left_h, costs[i])
for i in range(right_idx, N):
heapq.heappush(right_h, costs[i])
i = 0
while i < k:
left_ele = heapq.heappop(left_h)
right_ele = heapq.heappop(right_h)
if left_ele <= right_ele:
total_cost += left_ele
heapq.heappush(right_h, right_ele)
if left_idx + 1 < N and (right_idx == N or left_idx + 1 < right_idx):
heapq.heappush(left_h, costs[left_idx + 1])
left_idx += 1
total_cost += right_ele
heapq.heappush(left_h, left_ele)
if right_idx - 1 >= 0 and (left_idx == -1 or right_idx - 1 > left_idx):
heapq.heappush(right_h, costs[right_idx - 1])
right_idx -= 1
i += 1
return total_cost
solution = Solution()
costs = [28,35,21,13,21,72,35,52,74,92,25,65,77,1,73,32,43,68,8,100,84,80,14,88,42,53,98,69,64,40,60,23,99,83,5,21,76,34]
k = 32
candidates = 12
print(solution.totalCost(costs, k, candidates)) # Output: 1407 # Expected: 1407
costs = [18,64,12,21,21,78,36,58,88,58,99,26,92,91,53,10,24,25,20,92,73,63,51,65,87,6,17,32,14,42,46,65,43,9,75]
k = 13
candidates = 23
print(solution.totalCost(costs, k, candidates)) # Output: 202 # Expected: 223
It fails the case given in the program.
is the index of the last inserted item on the left.
is the index of the last inserted item on the right.
If you run your program, left_idx=21
and right_idx=21
so you have inserted the same item into both heaps.
Change left_idx < right_idx
to left_idx + 1 < right_idx