
For loop to set Interior.ColorIndex unless cell is blank

I want to color in the cells of a range based on whether the projected date (col "X") is before, equal to, or after the actual date (col "Y").

It worked until I tried to introduce the default, which is NO interior color and the text "not complete".

Sub ColorChangeTATDates()

Dim lr As Long
lr = Sheet1.Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row

Dim i As Long, projected As Range, actual As Range
For i = 3 To lr
  Set projected = Range("X" & i)
  Set actual = Range("Y" & i)
  If actual.Value = " " Then actual.Interior.ColorIndex = 0 And actual.Cells.Value = "not complete"
  If actual.Value < projected.Value Then actual.Interior.ColorIndex = 8
  If actual.Value >= projected.Value Then actual.Interior.ColorIndex = 4
  Debug.Print (projected.Value)
  Debug.Print (actual.Value)
Next i

End Sub

What happens:

I need to modify my loop to set the "Y" range cell value to "not complete" and no fill (which I feel like I shouldn't have to specify) until certain criteria is met.


  • This line:

     If actual.Value = " " Then actual.Interior.ColorIndex = 0 And actual.Cells.Value = "not complete"

    Is actually read like:

    If actual.Value = " " Then actual.Interior.ColorIndex = (0 And actual.Cells.Value = "not complete")

    Which rectifies to something like

    If actual.Value = " " Then actual.Interior.ColorIndex = (FALSE And FALSE)

    The reason this is happening is because And compares two conditions, so it treats both 0 and actual.Cells.Value = "not complete" as a condition. 0 is exactly equal to the boolean value False and actual.Cells.Value = "not complete" at this point in the execution will also be False. So really you are just setting the interior.colorindex property to False And False which is False which is just 0.

    At any rate, you want to run two lines of code when that if condition is true, so you'll need to use an if block instead of a one-liner:

    If actual.Value = " " Then 
       actual.Interior.ColorIndex = 0 
       actual.Cells.Value = "not complete"
    End If

    You may also want to check on that If actual.Value = " " Then line since " " is a literal space character. An empty cell would be ""

    Full Code:

    Sub ColorChangeTATDates()
        Dim lr As Long
        lr = Sheet1.Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
        Dim i As Long, projected As Range, actual As Range
        For i = 3 To lr
            Set projected = Range("X" & i)
            Set actual = Range("Y" & i)
            If actual.Value = " " Then
                actual.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
                actual.Cells.Value = "not complete"
            End If
            If actual.Value < projected.Value Then actual.Interior.ColorIndex = 8
            If actual.Value >= projected.Value Then actual.Interior.ColorIndex = 4
            Debug.Print (projected.Value)
            Debug.Print (actual.Value)
        Next i
    End Sub