I am using Jetpack Compose with material3. My screen looks like this. I want the text field to have a transparent background instead of the white background. I tried out the below code (see the line background(..
but it doesn't work. What am I missing here?
value = userNameValue.value,
onValueChange = { userNameValue.value = it },
modifier = Modifier
label = {
"Names" //stringResource(id = R.string.username_label)
The TextField
Composable offers a colors
parameter. It takes a value of type TextFieldColors
that bundles all sorts of colors contained in a TextField
In your case, please try to override all the colors
that contain the word "Container", similar to this:
value = userNameValue.value,
onValueChange = { userNameValue.value = it },
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
label = {
text = "Names" //stringResource(id = R.string.username_label)
colors = TextFieldDefaults.colors(
focusedContainerColor = Color.Transparent,
unfocusedContainerColor = Color.Transparent,
disabledContainerColor = Color.Transparent,
errorContainerColor = Color.Transparent