
Conversion failed: "(-122.763091,49.04676)" to geography (location)

I am trying to import a CSV file into PostgreSQL with a column named location that contains coordinates in the format (-longitude,latitude). However, I am getting the following error:

2:36846: conversion failed: "(-122.763091,49.04676)" to geography (location)
3:37257: conversion failed: "(-123.141289,49.272057)" to geography (location)
4:36495: conversion failed: "(-122.850334,49.189992)" to geography (location)

I have checked the following:

I am using PostgreSQL 14 and PostGIS 3.2.


The following is an example of the data in my CSV file:


What am I doing wrong?


  • If this example resembles how you keep those geographies in the CSV file:


    Then reading the third field to geography type column won't work because that's not a valid geography constant. None of these would work either:

    1,"description1","(-122.850334 49.189992)"
    1,"description1","-122.850334 49.189992"

    This would:

    1,"description1","point(-122.850334 49.189992)"

    You could change your column to text, import it as is, prepend the point, swap out the comma , for a space , then alter the type back to geography(point,4326). Demo at db<>fiddle:

    create table my_table (id int, description text, geog geography(Point,4326));
    --preparing a test file:
    copy (select '1,"abc","(-122.850334,49.189992)"') to '/tmp/my_file.csv';
    alter table my_table 
      alter column geog type text;
    copy my_table from '/tmp/my_file.csv' csv delimiter ',' quote '"';
    select *,pg_typeof(geog) from my_table;
    id description geog pg_typeof
    1 abc (-122.850334,49.189992) text
    update my_table 
      set geog='point'||replace(geog,',',' ')
      returning *,pg_typeof(geog);
    id description geog pg_typeof
    1 abc point(-122.850334 49.189992) text
    alter table my_table 
      alter column geog type geography(point,4326) 
      using geog::geography(point,4326);
    select *,pg_typeof(geog),st_astext(geog) from my_table;
    id description geog pg_typeof st_astext
    1 abc 0101000020E6100000522B4CDF6BB65EC0354069A851984840 geography POINT(-122.850334 49.189992)

    You could also leverage the fact that those values are valid point type constants - that's PostgreSQL built-in point type, not to be confused with PostGIS geometry(point). Postgres point can accept those values directly, and then there' a predefined cast from that to PostGIS geometry(point), and from that to geography(point):

    truncate my_table;
    copy (select '1,"abc","(-122.850334,49.189992)"') to '/tmp/my_file.csv';
    alter table my_table
      drop column if exists geog,
      add column geog point;
    copy my_table from '/tmp/my_file.csv' csv delimiter ',' quote '"';
    alter table my_table 
      alter column geog type geography(point,4326) 
      using geog::geometry(point)::geography(point,4326);