I have a TelerikForm with FormItems --> FormGroup --> FormItem(s) and I am wanting to have in the middle or bottom of my form to have a Grid in which I can add new items with multiple rows.
I was adding in TelerikGrid with GridColumns and it renders but puts the grid at the top of the page. It has been a while since I used Telerik, so I'm wondering how I can have the nice form , with the nice looking grid inside of it without too much css manipulation.
There is a blazor repl that I'm using as a playground.
<TelerikForm Model="@TestUser"
<FormGroup LabelText="User Information">
<TelerikGrid Data="@items" TItem=GridItem AutoGenerateColumns="false">
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(GridItem.Name)" Title="Name" />
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(GridItem.Value)" Title="Value" />
You can provide a custom layout that allows this
First, I added an empty FormGroup
that will render the TelerikGrid
Then supply a FormItemsTemplate
<FormItemsTemplate Context="formContext">
//formContext.Items contains all FormItems and FormGroups at root level
var formObjects = formContext.Items;
<TelerikFormGroupRenderer Group="@( (IFormGroup)formObjects[0] )">
<TelerikFormGroupRenderer Group="@( (IFormGroup)formObjects[2] )">
<TelerikGrid Data="@items" TItem=GridItem AutoGenerateColumns="false">
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(GridItem.Name)" Title="Name" />
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(GridItem.Value)" Title="Value" />
<TelerikFormGroupRenderer Group="@( (IFormGroup)formObjects[1] )">