We're facing an issue where we cannot push docker images to our nexus registry using kaniko. Below I provided a minimal Repro as well as we're using Nexus OSS 3.49.0-02
It results in a 404 using a malformed url pattern vor accessing the v2 Dockerapi:
error checking push permissions -- make sure you entered the correct tag name, and that you are authenticated correctly, and try
again: checking push permission for "private.registry.com/repository/imagename:tag": creating push check transport for
private.registry.com failed: GET https://private.registry.com/v2/: unexpected status code 404 Not Found:
Our Gitlab-CI script part looks like this:
- echo "{\"auths\":{\"private.registry.com":{\"auth\":\"$NEXUS_DEPLOY_USER_PW_BASE64\"}}}" > /kaniko/.docker/config.json
- /kaniko/executor
--context "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/frontend"
--dockerfile "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/frontend/Dockerfile.app-builder"
--destination "$BASE_URL/app-ui:$APP_VERSION"
--destination "$BASE_URL/app-ui:$BRANCH_TAG"
--destination "$BASE_URL/app-ui"
It is also not working with non-Base64 encoded credentials NEXUS_DEPLOY_USER_PW_BASE64
. So I provided non-base64 auth in the reproduction example.
FROM gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:v1.14.0-debug
ADD Dockerfile.test Dockerfile.test
ARG REGISTRY_URL=[YOUR_NEXUS_URL]/repository/dockercontainer
ARG REGISTRY_USER=[your credential]
ARG REGISTRY_PASSWORD=[your credential]
RUN echo "{\"auths\":{\"$REGISTRY_URL\":{\"username\":\"$REGISTRY_USER\",\"password\":\"$REGISTRY_PASSWORD\"}}}" > /kaniko/.docker/config.json
RUN /kaniko/executor --context "." --dockerfile "Dockerfile.test" --destination "${REGISTRY_URL}/test:latest"
CMD [ "echo", "Hello World" ]
FROM alpine:latest
CMD [ "echo", "Hello World" ]
In the kaniko dir, run docker build .
|__ Dockerfile
|__ Dockerfile.test
This exact case is described in official docs
There is no way to give the Docker client the application context path or base registry path. Docker needs the registry exposed at the root of the host + port that it is accessing.
Check reverse proxy strategies for guidance, but it usually boils down to:
to private.registry.com:8091
, and then use repository.private.registry.com/imagename:tag
in kanikoSlightly off-topic, but you also can get rid of Nexus and use Harbor instead, which supports private.registry.com/repository/imagename:tag
scenario out of box.