I am using Material Top Tabs Navigator from React Navigation, as well as a custom tabBar
component as shown in example in the official docs.
At the same time, I am using Native Stack Navigator. The Top Tabs Navigator (set position to bottom) is nested inside of one of the Stack screens.
It all works fine, except when I set navigationBarColor
option on the Screen that hosts the Tab navigator, the tabBar
floats/falls behind Android's navigation bar, making it not fully visible.
The very act of setting navigationBarColor breaks the layout.
options={{ headerShown: false, navigationBarColor: '#121212' }}
Fixed by adding insets from react-native-safe-area-context
, with some fine-tuning for iOS/Android variants:
const insets = useSafeAreaInsets();
const bottomInsetMargin = Platform.select({
ios: 0,
android: insets.bottom,
const bottomInsetPadding = Platform.select({
ios: 16,
android: 0,