
JQL query to retrieve issues where I participated

I try to list all issues where I was a participant. On top of issues asssigned to me, I want to include issues that followed the normal procedure: somebody else created them, they were assigned to me, I solved them, and re-assigned to somebody else for testing.

So far, I tried participant=currentUser(), but it return only issues where I am a reporter or assignee.

If I look in a specific Jira issue, it shows as participants: userA, myUser, userC. But the query above includes this issue only for userA (reporter) or userC (assignee).

How can I write a JQL query to retrieve all issues where my iser was a particilant?


  • Additional clauses such as commentedBy and watcher can help.

    assignee was currentUser() OR assignee = currentUser() OR commentedBy = currentUser() OR watcher = currentUser()