I try do add a field to a work item using this api : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/processes/fields/add?view=azure-devops-rest-7.1&tabs=HTTP
It work (at least it did accept it, and return te good answer ) ! But the field does not appear in the layout of the work item in the UI, how am i supposed to do that ?
Thanks @Shamrai Aleksander, as mentioned by him, you need to add the custom field to one group. Besides, only inherited process supports customization. You can refer to the following PowerShell scripts.
$token = "{PAT}"
$token = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(":$($token)"))
$head = @{ Authorization =" Basic $token" }
$orgname = "{Organization name}"
$processId = "{Process id of your custom process}"
$witRefName = "{The reference name of work item type}" #processname.workitemtype
$groupid = "Agile.Task.Task.Planning" #The ID of the group to add the control to.
# Add a field named 'CustomField' to work item type 'Task'
$body1 = @'
“referenceName”: “Custom.CustomField”,
“type”: “string”,
“readOnly”: false,
“required”: false,
“allowGroups”: null
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url1 -Method Post -Headers $head -Body $body1 -ContentType application/json
# Add custom field 'CustomField' to 'Planning' group
$body2 = @'
“id”:“Custom.CustomField" ,
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url2 -Method POST -Headers $head -Body $body2 -ContentType application/json