
PWABuilder: How to remove "Done" button from the top of iOS PWA screen?

I'm trying to build iOS PWA with PWABuilder but the app has a "top panel" with useless "Done" button. It makes my app look very unprofessional. How to get rid of it? )))Screenshot


  • Well, finally, I've fixed it that way. I don't understand why it works, but anyway - maybe there is some problem in manifest. If I pack, for example, itself to PWA and run it on Apple - no toolbar and Done button showed. Moreover, if I change domain in settings.swift and info.plist files of the package in XCode - my app also is shown correctly and Done button isn't displayed... So the problem is in package made by PWABuilder, when I make it for my domain. I've examined everything, but didn't find what causes this behavior. Anyway - it's a workaround. The only thing I should do now is to replace PWABuilder icons and change descriptions to mine.