I have the following use case:
In my user table I have a user that has been soft deleted and has a unique constraint with the email field.
The user does a sign up again with the same e-mail. Via API Platform POST request. My goal is to check in that POST request if the user existed, and recover it from the trash.
I've tried the following 2 options:
While deserialising in the POST request I have tried to check if the user existed and add the user ID to the deserialised-data array.
But the problem is that API Platform says that an UPDATE is not possible during a POST request.
I tried the following:
public function prePersist(PrePersistEventArgs $args): void
$entity = $args->getObject();
// it must be a user!
if (!$entity instanceof User) {
// check for old user
$existing = $this->userRepository->findDeletedUser($entity);
if (!empty($existing)) {
$entity = $this->userRepository->recoverUser($existing, $entity);
// continue on the normal sign up stuff...
But this gives me a unique constraint error that the user already exists.
How can I solve this?
Just use the state processor
Smth like that:
final class SignUpStateProcessor implements ProcessorInterface
* @param \App\ApiResource\SignUp $signUp
public function process(
mixed $signUp,
Operation $operation,
?array $uriVariables = null,
?array $context = null
): SignUp {
$existing = $this->userRepository->findDeletedUser($signUp);
if ($existing !== null) {
return $this->userRepository->recoverUser($existing, $signUp);
return $signUp;