
Handle multiple text boxes together

I have a sub which creates a number (n) of textboxes in a worksheet.

Sub CreateShapes()
Dim sOrd As String
Dim n As Integer
Const iBr = 67

  sOrd = Selection.Text
  For n = 1 To Len(sOrd)
    ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 50 + iBr * n, 150 _
        , 200, 70).Select
    Selection.ShapeRange(1).TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters.Text = Mid(sOrd, n, 1)
  Next n

End Sub

When the sub is finished, the last textbox is selected. How can I select all the n textboxes to group them?

I have tried to find out how to use ShapeRange, but haven't managed.


  • If there are only the created shapes on the sheet:

    Sub CreateShapes()
    Dim sOrd As String
    Dim n As Integer
    Dim selected_shapes As ShapeRange
    Const iBr = 67
      sOrd = Selection.Text
      For n = 1 To Len(sOrd)
        ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 50 + iBr * n, 150 _
            , 200, 70).Select
        Selection.ShapeRange(1).TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters.Text = Mid(sOrd, n, 1)
      Next n
      Set selected_shapes = Selection.ShapeRange
    End Sub

    If there are previously created shapes on the sheet then:

    Sub CreateShapes()
    Dim sOrd As String
    Dim n As Integer
    Const iBr = 67
    Dim selected_shapes As ShapeRange
      sOrd = Selection.Text
    ReDim shape_index(1 To Len(sOrd)) As Long
      For n = 1 To Len(sOrd)
        ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 50 + iBr * n, 150 _
            , 200, 70).Select
        shape_index(n) = ActiveSheet.Shapes.Count
        Selection.ShapeRange(1).TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters.Text = Mid(sOrd, n, 1)
      Next n
      Set selected_shapes = ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(shape_index)
    End Sub