
How to prevent creating new text nodes after 'Enter' press in contenteditable element?

Is it possible using some CSS properties or HTML attributes or JS solution prevent splitting text node?

I don't want to call div.normalize() after each 'Enter' press And please don't suggest using textarea

🌀 I need to get a caret position relative to the start of text, but when I press Enter, browser creates each time a new text node and after that the Selection.anchorOffset returns the offset in the new created node. But I want to have the ( ONLY ONE TEXT NODE ) and easy get the caret position

<!DOCTYPE html>Caret:<a id=Caret>0</a> Nodes:<a id=Nodes>1</a>
<div id=div contenteditable='plaintext-only'>Prevent Creating new textNodes</div>
  #Caret { color: red  }
  #Nodes { color: blue }
  div {
    padding: 10px;
    height: 5lh;
    outline: 1px solid;
    overflow-y: auto;
    overscroll-behavior: contain
<script>  'use strict';
const sel=getSelection();



Also I don't want to manually process 'Enter' press in keydown event via event.preventDefault()

I am search a simple solution


I am going to highlight via CSS Custom Highlight API CSS Highlight. One div, one textNode ( -> easy get caret and create highlight ranges ). Wrapping to SPAN or something is not needed already. Just One textnode and ranges to highlight


Thank You!


  • This solution may not be perfectly match with your very narrow requirements where you stated please don't suggest using textarea and Also I don't want to manually process 'Enter' press in keydown event via event.preventDefault().

    But you also said: I am search a simple solution and I can't see any easier solution than this...

    Using a pre element insteads of div so that the newline will be treated as is and intercepting the Enter key hit preventing the browser's default behaviour that would add a new child text node instead of appending the new content to the unique node.

    This solution will just show a content editable element with a fixed height given by its style. If you type new content in there you won't see the node count increase even when you add new lines.

    'use strict';
    //here I'm fetching the elements explicitely instead of using window scope
    const div = document.getElementById('div');
    const Caret = document.getElementById('Caret');
    const Nodes = document.getElementById('Nodes');
    div.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
      if (event.key === 'Enter') {
        //prevent the default behaviour (where the browser would add a new text node)
        //determine current caret position and current target content
        const selection = window.getSelection();
        const caretPos = selection.anchorOffset;
        const textContent = div.textContent;
        //check if caret is at the end of the content..
        //this is needed because at the end of the content it requires a special behaviour for newline to show up and this condition will be checked when adding the \n
        const atEnd = caretPos === textContent.length;
        //replace the content adding a new line at the caret position
        const newTextContent =
          textContent.slice(0, caretPos)
          + '\n' + (atEnd ? '\n' : '') + textContent.slice(caretPos);
        div.textContent = newTextContent;
        //move the caret after the newline
        setCaretPosition(div, caretPos + 1);
    //move the caret at the new position
    function setCaretPosition(elem, pos) {
      const textNode = elem.firstChild;
      const range = document.createRange();
      const sel = window.getSelection();
      range.setStart(textNode, pos);
    function updateInfo() {
      setTimeout(() => {
        const selection = window.getSelection();
        Caret.textContent = selection.anchorOffset;
        Nodes.textContent = div.childNodes.length;
      }, 0);
    div.addEventListener('keyup', updateInfo);
    div.addEventListener('click', updateInfo);
    div.addEventListener('input', updateInfo);
    #Caret {
      color: red
    #Nodes {
      color: blue
    #div {
      padding: 10px;
       height: 5lh;
      outline: 1px solid;
      overflow-y: auto;  
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    Caret:<a id="Caret">0</a> Nodes:<a id="Nodes">1</a>
    <pre id="div" contenteditable="true">Prevent Creating new textNodes</pre>