
Refetching queries in apollo-client regardless of the input parameters

I am having an issue with refetching queries in apollo-client after mutation. Hope someone can help.

My graphql schema has one query and one mutation:

type Query {
  alerts(filter: AlertFilter!): AlertsResponse!

type Mutation {
  closeAlert(input: CloseAlertRequest!): CloseAlertResponse!

The alerts query accepts an AlertFilter with status = OPEN or CLOSED. It returns a list of alerts along with open & closed alert counts.

The closeAlert mutation closes the specified alert.

What I am trying to do is to refetch the alerts query whenever the closeAlert mutation is called. This is to make sure that I have the latest list of alerts + the latest open/close counts.

Here's how I have coded my closeAlert mutation. It is trying to refetch the alertsPage query after the mutation.

export function useCloseAlert() {
  return useMutation(closeAlertDocument, {
    refetchQueries: ['alertsPage'],

My alertsPage query is coded like this:

const alertsPageDocument = graphql(/* GraphQL */ `
  query alertsPage($filter: AlertFilter!) {
    alerts(filter: $filter) {
      alerts {
      counts {

However, looking at the Apollo Client DevTools extension, I see that there are two distinct alertsPage queries in the cache (see screenshot below): one for filter status="OPEN" and another for filter status="Closed". The mutation only refetches the query for filter status="OPEN" - I can see the open count go down and closed count go up. However the query for filter status="CLOSED" is not refetched and the counts don't change at all.

Question: How can I tell Apollo client to refetch all alertsPage queries, regardless of the input values?

enter image description here


  • Answering my own question...

    In order to refetch both queries (for status=OPEN and status=CLOSED), I had to change refetchQueries as follows:

    export function useCloseAlert() {
      return useMutation(closeAlertDocument, {
        refetchQueries: [
            query: AlertsPageDocument,
            variables: {
              filter: { status: 'OPEN' },
            query: AlertsPageDocument,
            variables: {
              filter: { status: 'CLOSED' },