My question is a follow up of an other guy's question: Unbounded wildcard passed to method
He was interested why the following code compiled:
public class ColTest {
static<T> T wildSub(ArrayList<? extends T> holder, T arg){
T t=holder.get(0);
return t;
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<?> list=new ArrayList<Long>(Arrays.asList(2L,3L,7L));
Long lng=1L;
ColTest.wildSub(list, lng);
We came to a conclusion that the trick was that compiler inferred the ? as an Object and made the following Long argument pass thanks to the trivial inheritance of Object->Long.
The code does compile using Sun/Oracle javac (I use 1.6.0_26-b03), but does not compile in Eclipse (I use Helios) where it displays the following compilation error:
The method wildSub(ArrayList<? extends T>, T) in the type ColTest is not applicable for the arguments (ArrayList<capture#2-of ?>, Long)
My question is:
Is this a bug in the Java compiler implementation Eclipse uses or some kind of ambiguity in Java 'generics inference algorithm' specification that is valid and just implemented differently by Eclipse?
It appears to be an Eclipse bug.
T should be inferred to as Object, per also has a catch-all clause: "Any remaining type variables that have not yet been inferred are then inferred to have type Object"
with T=Object, per, the method is applicable.