I am trying to load this shader for a graphics programming project and keep getting this same error
The hlsl file is as follows
Texture2D DiffuseTexture : register(t0);
SamplerState TextureSampler : register(s0);
cbuffer Transforms
matrix WorldMatrix;
matrix ViewMatrix;
matrix ProjMatrix;
struct VS_INPUT
float4 position : POSITION;
float4 color : COLOR;
float2 tex : TEXCOORD0;
struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 position : SV_POSITION;
float4 color : COLOR;
float2 tex : TEXCOORD0;
float4 WorldSpace = mul(v.position, WorldMatrix);
float4 ViewSpace = mul(WorldSpace, ViewMatrix);
float4 ScreenSpace = mul(ViewSpace, ProjMatrix);
o.position = ScreenSpace;
o.color = v.color;
output.tex = input.tex;
return o;
float4 PSMain(in VS_OUTPUT input) : SV_Target
float4 sampledTextureColour = DiffuseTexture.Sample(TextureSampler, input.tex);
Does anyone know what exactly is causing this error?
Have been struggling to find any Heiroglyph3 resources online
Attempting to run heiroglpyh3 project to load a textured sphere using the above hlsl shader file but get error shown in picture
The problem is in VSMain()
output.tex = input.tex;
As the error message itself says, output
is not declared anywhere. You probably meant o.tex
Another problem you'll encounter even if you fix that is the use of input
on the same line since it isn't declared either. You only declared it in PSMain()
. I suspect the correct way to use it is
o.tex = v.tex;