
Assignment to two different wires with a bit and its complement yields the same value

I am currently creating a control unit for a pipelined processor using Verilog. I'm using combinatorial assignment using wires. Since I have only limited instructions to support, I have decided to just assign control signals using only limited bits.

The following is the code for the main control unit:

module mcu(
    input [5:0] Opcode,
    output ALUSrc,
    output [1:0] ALUop,
    output RegDst,
    output MemWrite,
    output MemRead,
    output MemtoReg,
    output RegWrite
    assign ALUSrc = (Opcode[0]);
    assign ALUop[0] = (!Opcode[0]);
    assign ALUop[1] = (!Opcode[5]);
    assign RegDst = (!Opcode[0]);
    assign MemWrite = (Opcode[3]);
    assign MemRead = (!Opcode[3]);
    assign MemtoReg = (!(Opcode[0]^Opcode[1]));
    assign RegWrite = (Opcode[5]^Opcode[3]);

However the ALUSrc and RegDst yields the same value despite being complements. Here is the testbench results for a sample test.

Thanks in advance for any answers.

I tried using both ! and ~, apart from which I have no clue how to fix. I've tried changing up the indexing as well, but to no avail.


  • The design issue reported in the post text, is not present in the posted code.

    Here is a simple tb which drives a sequence 32'b0, 1, 2, 3 on Opcode

    module tb ();
      reg [5:0] Opcode;
      reg ALUSrc;
      reg [1:0] ALUop;
      reg RegDst;
      reg MemWrite;
      reg MemRead;
      reg MemtoReg;
      reg RegWrite;
      integer i;
      mcu dut(
      initial begin
        // FOR EDA PLAYGROUND $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;
        $monitor("Opcode = %h, ALUSrc = %h RegDst = %h ",Opcode,ALUSrc,RegDst);
        for(i = 0; i < 4;i++)begin
          Opcode = i;

    which produces the messages

    xcelium> run
    Opcode = 00, ALUSrc = 0 RegDst = 1 
    Opcode = 01, ALUSrc = 1 RegDst = 0 
    Opcode = 02, ALUSrc = 0 RegDst = 1 
    Opcode = 03, ALUSrc = 1 RegDst = 0 

    and these waves
    enter image description here

    using the posted code as the DUT.

    The code is behaving as expected, something else is wrong.