I'm having problems when rounding numbers with many zeros before the last digit in R using the function round()
. They appear to be correctly rounded in R the output, but when I export the rounded numbers into a .csv file using readr::write_excel_csv() they are shown as if they were not rounded. Example:
a <- c(-0.28866000000000003, 0.28372000000000003)
round(a, digits = 5)
[1] -0.28866 0.28372
Results in .csv file same as "a".
Does somebody know why?
If you want to set the number of decimals for multiple vectors that you would like to be converted into columns in your csv-file, you can use the following approach:
# Load packages
# Generate exemplary vectors
a <- c(-0.28866000000000003, 0.28372000000000003)
b <- c(-0.46866000000000003, 0.46372000000000003)
# Make data.frame from vectors & set decimal options for columns
df <- data.frame (a, b) %>%
mutate (across(1:2, .fns = function(x) {format(round(x, 5), nsmall = 5)}))
# Save as csv-file
write_excel_csv(df, "your_path/df.csv", delim = ";")