I would like to ask. "Previously, I have already created Object Names A-Z on the Green Line" and I'm trying to create a VBA code, here's the code: works manually by selecting 2 objects
Sub ChangeObjectName()
Dim sr As ShapeRange
Dim s As Shape, s2 As Shape, s1 As Shape
Dim newName As String
Dim foundAlpha As Boolean
Const START_NAME = "A"
Const END_NAME = "Z"
Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange
If sr.Count <> 2 Then Exit Sub
For Each s In sr
If Len(s.Name) = 1 And s.Name Like "[A-Z]" Then
foundAlpha = True
Set s1 = s
Set s2 = s
End If
Next s
If Not foundAlpha Then Exit Sub
If s1 Is Nothing Or s2 Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
newName = CStr(Asc(s1.Name) - 64)
s2.Name = newName
End Sub
This code is used to change the names of objects based on Object Name Alphabet (A-Z). The code works when 2 objects are selected. If the Object Name is (B), then the name of the other object changes to (2). If (E) is selected, then the script will work to change the name of the object to (5), and so on.
Is it possible to update the code so that it can work more optimally without having to run it one by one? What I mean is, those objects were previously part of the same entity. By adding calculations of width & height (object size) / the same rotation value in the code, can it automatically change the Object Name that is not an Alphabet into Numbers according to their sequence?
I have made many attempts, and still unsuccessful.
Sub ChangeObjectName()
Dim sr As ShapeRange
Dim s As Shape
Dim alphaShape As Shape
Dim alphaName As String
Dim numericName As Integer
Dim matchingShapes As New Collection
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim matchFound As Boolean
Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange
For Each s In sr
If Len(s.Name) = 1 And s.Name Like "[A-Z]" Then
alphaName = s.Name
Set alphaShape = s
Exit For
End If
Next s
If alphaShape Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Tidak ada objek alfabet yang ditemukan.", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End If
For Each s In sr
If s.Name <> alphaName Then
If s.SizeWidth = alphaShape.SizeWidth And s.SizeHeight = alphaShape.SizeHeight And s.Rotation = alphaShape.Rotation Then
matchingShapes.Add s
End If
End If
Next s
numericName = 1
For i = 1 To matchingShapes.Count
matchFound = False
For j = 1 To sr.Count
If sr(j).Name = matchingShapes(i).Name Then
sr(j).Name = Chr(64 + numericName)
matchFound = True
Exit For
End If
Next j
If matchFound Then
numericName = numericName + 1
End If
Next i
End Sub
Note: It's untested code (w/o coreldraw sw.). Please backup your file before testing.
Sub ChangeObjectName()
Dim sr As ShapeRange
Dim s As Shape
Dim alphaShape As Shape
Dim alphaName As String
Dim numericName As Integer
Dim matchingShapes As New Collection
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim matchFound As Boolean
Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange
' Save all shapes with alpha name into Collection
For Each s In sr
If Len(s.Name) = 1 And s.Name Like "[A-Z]" Then
matchingShapes.Add s
End If
Next s
' Loop through Collection
For i = 1 To matchingShapes.Count
' Get the shape
set alphaShape = matchingShapes(i)
For j = 1 To sr.Count
' shape name is different
If sr(j).Name <> alphaShape.Name Then
' shape properties are same
If sr(j).SizeWidth = alphaShape.SizeWidth And sr(j).SizeHeight = alphaShape.SizeHeight And sr(j).Rotation = alphaShape.Rotation Then
' Update shape name with digit
sr(j).Name = CStr(Asc(alphaShape.Name) - 64)
End If
End If
Next j
End Sub
Sub DebugShp()
Dim sr As ShapeRange
Dim s As Shape
Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange
Set s = sr(1)
MsgBox s.SizeWidth
MsgBox s.SizeHeight
MsgBox s.RotationAngle
MsgBox s.Rotation
End Sub