
Talend - tSystem error after deployment on the TMC

I'm facing an issue with the deployment of a job with a tSystem component.

So first here is the job :

enter image description here

The job execute a powershell command that extract data from an activedirectory, I tried the powershell command on my local environnement for testing and also tested it on the server (with the remote engine installed) and worked perfectly fine.

here is the configuration of the tSystem component :

enter image description here

The job works fine in the studio. But fail when I deployed to the TMC, so I tried to execute the job from the .bat file on the remote engine server and also worked, the only fail is when I execute it from the TMC.

enter image description here

So is there something I missed, or that I can check to resolve this.



  • I found the solution.

    This issue was that Talend (Remote Engine) couldn't start powershell to execute the script, so to resolve this in the tSystem component is to change one the command in the Array Command to : "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" (add the full path to the powershell.exe)

    enter image description here