
Samsung Galaxy Binary Upload Error - Tizen binaries cannot be registered

I am getting the error "Tizen binaries cannot be registered" when i try and upload a wgt file to the Binary Upload for a Watch App in the Samsung Galaxy Store Seller.

I'm not sure if it's something related to my config.xml in my package build or if I have just missed something and generating apps via Tizen studio is not a thing anymore?

I have used Tizen studio and developed a wearable Web Application. I used the Certificate Manager to create a certificate and then built the package. I am using the built wgt file to upload to my Samsung Developer App submission when I get this error.

I am new to Tizen and Samsung so I'm not sure what information i have not provided that might be useful.


  • Based on this https://developer.samsung.com/galaxy-watch-tizen/notice.html

    They are not allowing any new Tizen apps for their wearable devices on the galaxy store.