
sbt publish a package with varying dependencies

I have an sbt project which consists of 3 different layer:

The code in the base and the api package is always the same, the only thing that can change is one of the impls, for instance, I can introduce a new implementation.

Now I want to publish locally the api package depending on each of the implementations, by different names, for instance, one package called api-impl1, api-impl2 and so on.

One thing that I've tried is to do this one by one, which is not really a smart idea. So I was wondering if there's any dynamics to sbt to do this for me


  • if there's any dynamics to sbt to do this for me

    Yes, for example here I'm generating projects using Scala 2.13.0-2.13.13


    import sbt.*
    import Keys.*
    object Build extends AutoPlugin {
      override def extraProjects: Seq[Project] = (0 to 13).map(i => {
        val name = s"proj2_13_$i"
        Project(name, file(name))
          .settings(scalaVersion := s"2.13.$i")

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