I'm creating rssagg app
this is the error i got
"error": "Couldn't create User: ERROR: null value in column \"id\" of relation \"users\" violates not-null constraint (SQLSTATE 23502)"
this is my handler user go function
package main
import (
internal "github.com/sakthi-lucia0567/rssagg/internal/database"
func (apiCfg *apiConfig) handleCreateUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
type parameters struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
params := parameters{}
err := decoder.Decode(¶ms)
if err != nil {
respondWithError(w, 400, fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing JSON: %v", err))
userUUID := uuid.New()
// generatedType := pgtype.UUID{Bytes: userUUID[:]}
generatedType := pgtype.UUID{Bytes: userUUID, Valid: true} // this is the code that chatgpt gave but it's seems it's also not working for me.
log.Println("user uuid", userUUID)
log.Println("user generated type", generatedType)
user, err := apiCfg.DB.CreateUser(r.Context(), internal.CreateUserParams{
ID: generatedType,
CreatedAt: pgtype.Timestamp{Time: time.Now()},
UpdatedAt: pgtype.Timestamp{Time: time.Now()},
Name: params.Name,
if err != nil {
respondWithError(w, 400, fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't create User: %v", err))
respondWithJSON(w, 200, user)
this is my models.go generated by the sqlc
// Code generated by sqlc. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions:
// sqlc v1.26.0
package internal
import (
type User struct {
ID pgtype.UUID
CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp
UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp
Name string
// Code generated by sqlc. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions:
// sqlc v1.26.0
// source: users.sql
package internal
import (
const createUser = `-- name: CreateUser :one
INSERT INTO users (id, created_at, updated_at, name)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)
RETURNING id, created_at, updated_at, name
type CreateUserParams struct {
ID pgtype.UUID
CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp
UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp
Name string
func (q *Queries) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, arg CreateUserParams) (User, error) {
row := q.db.QueryRow(ctx, createUser,
var i User
err := row.Scan(
return i, err
this is the log i get while running the server:
2024/04/11 00:56:22 user uuid 18bd07ce-a47d-484a-b2d3-1b1fb8d2bf9e
2024/04/11 00:56:22 user generated type {[24 189 7 206 164 125 72 74 178 211 27 31 184 210 191 158] false}
i'm expecting to creating a user but the uuid is coming as a Bytes
the uuid is generating but i couldn't set them to postgres id
is defined as (assuming that you are using PGX v5):
type UUID struct {
Bytes [16]byte
Valid bool
So when you assign with pgtype.UUID{Bytes: userUUID}
the value of Valid
will be the default (false
; and you can see this in your output). PGX types work in the same way as the sql
package Null types (e.g. NullBool
); that is if Valid
is false then the value will be treated as a NULL when sent to the database.
To fix this use:
generatedType := pgtype.UUID{Bytes: userUUID, Valid: true}
You will need to use a similar approach with pgtype.Timestamp
Note: This is based on the info you provided (I've made assumptions about what apiCfg.DB.CreateUser