
How can I tell if my version of Typo3 is headless?

I just wanted to ask you how can I know if the version of Typo3 I use are headless or not, as I do not really understand how to idenfy it.

I use the versions 10.4.44 and 11.5.36. I know they can be supported but I am not sure as to how can I know that.

Thank you for your help!

I do not understand how I can identify a headless CMS.


  • Hi Are you sure you meand Headless? as HeadlessCMS refers to a CMS which does not directly render the content but rather provides an API to retrive content for some other Application to consume. (like android/iphone apps)

    you might mean is your TYPO3 Version Up To Date or still Supported.the current version and End of Support can be seen here https://get.typo3.org/

    also there is the "Roadmap" which also includes support time frames for current and and upcoming relases https://typo3.org/cms/roadmap/