I tried for a while now and many different things but i just cant find a solution why this
constructor(protected subjectService: SubjectsService,
protected userService: UsersService,
protected languageService: LanguageService,
protected translate: TranslateService,
protected gradeService: GradeService,
private store: Store<{ subjectGrades: SubjectGrade[], subject: Subject[] }>) {
if (this.userService.getLoggedInUser().admin) {
this.displayedColumns = ['subject', 'avgGrade', 'actions'];
this.subjects$ = this.store.select('subject');
this.subjectGrades$ = this.store.select('subjectGrades');
updateSubjectsAndAVGGrades(): void {
switchMap((subjects: Subject[]) => {
this.subjects = subjects;
console.log('subjects', subjects);
return this.subjectGrades$.pipe(
map((grades: SubjectGrade[]) => {
return subjects.map(subject => {
const subjectGrades = grades.filter(grade => grade.subject.id === subject.id);
return this.gradeService.calculateAvgGrades(subjectGrades);
.subscribe((avgGrades: Grade[]) => {
this.avgGrades = avgGrades;
somehow has a case where Grades or Subjects are undefined.
I just debugged for hours in my Reducer, Action, Effect all Data gets passed around perfectly. I load both initialstates in the AppComponent the initialstates are based on a http fetch from a backend.
Found the Problem it was because when i defined the state in the reducer it happened sometimes that because it was asynchronous that the data transferred was undefined so the array ended up being undefined. To solve this i added a check that if its undefined state turns into a empty Array.
on(loadSubjectGradesSuccess, (state, {subjectGrades}) => {
if (subjectGrades === undefined) return state;
return subjectGrades;