I am trying to convert the date string that has full month name using LocalDate but I am getting java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text could not be parsed at index 6 I tried looking online but can't find suitable solution.
public void iConvertDate() {
String datevalue = String.valueOf(UIPgAct.dateFormat("10 March 2024", "dd MMM yyyy"));
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
public LocalDate dateFormat(String dateToFormat, String fromFormatPattern) {
LocalDate dateLocal = null;
if (dateToFormat != null) {
try {
DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(fromFormatPattern, Locale.US);
dateLocal = LocalDate.parse(dateToFormat, dtf);
} catch (Exception e) {
return dateLocal;
I tried both "dd MMM yyyy", "dd-MMM-yyyy" formats and both of them returning the same error. I am stuck here. Thanks
If we want to parse full month name like 10 March 2024", We need to use "dd MMMM yyyy" date formatter.
try with the below
LocalDate date= dateFormat("10 March 2024", "dd MMMM yyyy")
public LocalDate dateFormat(String dateToFormat, String fromFormatPattern) {
LocalDate dateLocal = null;
if (dateToFormat != null) {
try {
DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(fromFormatPattern, Locale.US);
dateLocal = LocalDate.parse(dateToFormat, dtf);
} catch (Exception e) {
return dateLocal;
this will return Formated Date:2024-03-10