
Where Is The Implementation for Traverse[IO]

val foo: IO[List[Int]] = List(IO.pure(100)).sequence

Where do I find the implementation for the sequence method? I presume there is a Traverse typeclass implementation for cats.effect.IO and where can I find this implementation? If I am wrong, how does foo above work? Thanks


  • There no Traverse for IO, well I belive there isn't, and if there is one is not relevant for this example.
    There is however a Traverse for List and an Applicative to IO, and since IO also forms a Monad then that one delegate to flatMap.

    In general, we know that:

    def sequence[A, F[_], G[_]](fga: F[G[A]])(using Traverse[F], Applicative[G]): G[F[A]] =
    trait Traverse[F[_]]:
      def traverse[A, B, G[_]](fa: F[A])(f: A => G[B])(using Applicative[G]): G[F[B]]

    And for List the implementation of traverse is as follows:

    given Traverse[List] with
      override def traverse[A, B, G[_]](fa: List[A])(f: A => G[B])(Applicative[G]): G[List[B]] =
        fa.foldLeft(Appliative[G].pure(List.empty[B])) {
          case (accG: G[List[B]], a: A) =>
            val gb: G[B] = f(a)
            Appliative[G].map2(accG, gb) {
               case (acc: List[B], b: B) =>
                 b :: acc
        }.map(_.reverse) // Or you could use foldRight or another more optimal strategy but that is besides the point.

    And we also know that when there is a Monad[G] then:

    trait Monad[G[_]] extends Applicative[G]:
      override def map2[A, B, C](ga: G[A], gb: G[B])(f: (A, B) => C): G[C] =
          a <- ga
          b <- gb
          c = f(a, b)
        yield c

    So, in other words, this becomes just a traversal of the List using flatMaps.

    Relevant sources:

    The real implementations are, of course, more optimized and a little bit more complex than the ones I used. But conceptually they are equivalent.