This how my code looks like . I want the player to take the key from the room and then use it on the door from garden to hallway . the command used is "?use(door(garden,hallway))." . the problem is that when i use the door without the key in my inventory i can still used the door even though the door is locked
% Facts
% Define the rooms
room(garden, 'You are in a beautiful garden with colorful flowers and singing birds.', [key], [door(garden, hallway)]).
room(hallway, 'You are in a dimly lit hallway with portraits of ancient kings lining the walls.', [note], [door(hallway, garden), door(hallway, library), door(hallway, throne_room)]).
% Define objects
object(key, 'A shiny golden key that seems important.').
object(note, 'A crumpled note with strange symbols written on it.').
% Define locked doors and their corresponding keys
locked_door(door(garden, hallway), key).
% Define incomplete objects
% Define limited resources
resource(coin, 10). % Player starts with 10 coins
resource(mana, 100). % Player starts with 100 mana
% Rules
% Predicate to start the game
start :-
write('Welcome to the Fairy Tale Adventure Game!'),nl,nl,
write('You have been tasked with rescuing the kingdom\'s beloved princess from the clutches of the nefarious Demon King Diablos.'),nl,nl,
% Predicate to print the description of the current room
look :-
% Predicate to describe the current room
describe_room(Room) :-
room(Room, Description, _, _),
write(Description), nl.
% Predicate to list objects in the current room
list_objects(Room) :-
room(Room, _, Objects, _),
write('You see the following objects in the room:'), nl,
% Helper predicate to print objects
print_objects([Object|Rest]) :-
object(Object, Description),
write('- '), write(Description), nl,
% Predicate to list paths out of the current room
list_paths(Room) :-
room(Room, _, _, Paths),
write('Paths out of the room:'), nl,
sort(Paths, UniquePaths), % Remove duplicates
% Helper predicate to print unique paths
print_unique_paths([Path|Rest]) :-
once(print_path(Path)), % Use once/1 to ensure only one instance of each path is printed
% Helper predicate to print a single path
print_path(door(_, Destination)) :-
write('- Door to '), write(Destination), nl.
% Helper predicate to print paths
print_paths([door(Room, _)|Rest]) :-
write('- Door to '), write(Room), nl,
% Predicate to pick up an object
take(Object) :-
room(Room, _, Objects, _),
member(Object, Objects),
retract(room(Room, Description, Objects, Paths)),
delete(Objects, Object, NewObjects),
asserta(room(Room, Description, NewObjects, Paths)),
write('You took the '), write(Object), write('.'), nl,
% Define a predicate for using objects
use(Object) :-
inventory(Object), % Check if the player has the object
( % Use different rules based on the object
% Add rules for other objects here
write('You can\'t use that object here.'), nl
% Define a predicate for using doors
use(door(Room1, Room2)) :-
door(Room1, Room2), % Check if there's a door connecting the two rooms
can_access(Room2), % Check if the player can access the destination
retract(current_room(Room1)), % Move the player to the destination room
% Define a predicate for using doors when access is not allowed
use(door(_, _)) :-
write('You cannot unlock the door.'), nl,
% Define Rules for accessing different rooms
can_access(hallway) :-
% Check if there's a locked door to the destination
locked_door(door(garden, hallway), Key),
% Check if the player has the key in their inventory
( inventory(Key) -> % If the player has the key
write('You unlocked the door and entered the hallway.'), nl
; % If the player doesn't have the key
write('The door is locked, you need a key to unlock it.'), nl,
fail % Fail to prevent the player from moving to the destination
% Define doors connecting different rooms
door(hallway, library).
door(hallway, throne_room).
% Add more door connections as needed.
% Predicate to display inventory
inventory :-
write('You are currently holding:'), nl,
findall(Item, inventory(Item), Inventory),
% Helper predicate to print inventory
print_inventory([]) :-
write('Nothing.'), nl.
print_inventory([Item|Rest]) :-
write('- '), write(Item), nl,
% Define game-specific help
game_help :-
write('Instructions:'), nl,
write('- Type "look" to see the description of the current room.'), nl,
write('- Type "take(Object)" to pick up an object.'), nl,
write('- Type "use(Object)" to use an object.'), nl,
write('- Type "inventory" to see what you\'re currently holding.'), nl,
write('- Type "quit" to exit the game.'), nl,
write('- Type "game_help" to show this instruction agian.'),nl.
% Initialize the game
:- dynamic(current_room/1).
:- dynamic(inventory/1).
:- dynamic room/4.
current_room(garden). % Start the game in the garden
player still can access to the hallway without the key
I tried a redoing the predicates but no matter how i change it still not working
It gives false when I run the query,
So I believe your code is correct. Maybe you have accidentally asserted inventory(key).
before while you are testing things and now it gives you incorrect results? I think adding the following line at the start of your program will solve any potential issues like this.
:- retractall(inventory(key))