I am using Redux Toolkit to handle all the data. Every page of my application has it's own singular state. State along with Metadata is fetched/populated at page load.
Now i want to set Metadata based on the data present in state.
I've already tried generateMetadata
provided by nextjs. I have hooks defined in my project which gets the data from state based on current route path.
Is there something that i'm missing?
// app/[MovieID]/page.js
import { fetchSingleMovie } from "@/lib/moviesFetch";
export async function generateMetadata({ params }) {
const movie = await fetchSingleMovie(params.MovieID);
if (!movie) {
return {
title: 'tv.onvo Movies',
description: 'The requested movie was not found.',
return {
title: `${movie[0]['l']} movie`,
description: `${movie[0]['l']} movie`,
openGraph: {
title: `${movie[0]['l']}`,
description: `watch ${movie[0]['l']} on tv.onvo`,
images: [
{ url: movie[0]['i']['imageUrl'], width: 800, height: 600 },
twitter: {
card: `tv.onvo movie`,
title: `${movie[0]['l']} movie`,
description: `${movie[0]['l']} movie`,
siteId: `${params.MovieID}`,
creator: '@onvo_me',
creatorId: '1467726470533754880',
images: {
url: 'https://onvo.me',
alt: 'onvo Logo',
app: {
name: 'twitter_app',
id: {
iphone: 'twitter_app://iphone',
ipad: 'twitter_app://ipad',
googleplay: 'twitter_app://googleplay',
url: {
iphone: 'https://iphone_url',
ipad: 'https://ipad_url',
alternates: {
canonical: 'https://onvo.me',
languages: {
'en-US': 'https://onvo.me',
'de-DE': 'https://onvo.me',
media: {
'only screen and (max-width: 600px)': 'https://onvo.me/',
types: {
'application/rss+xml': 'https://onvo.me/',
appLinks: {
ios: {
url: 'https://onvo.me/',
app_store_id: 'app_store_id',
android: {
package: 'com.example.android/package',
app_name: 'app_name_android',
web: {
url: 'https://onvo.me/',
should_fallback: true,
bookmarks: ['https://onvo.me/13'],
category: 'entertainment',
export default async function Page({ params }) {
const movie = await fetchSingleMovie(params.MovieID);
if (!movie) {
return (
<NoMovies />
return (
<div className="flex min-h-screen flex-col items-center justify-between md:px-16 md:mt-4 p-2">
that's an example of dynamic metadata generated on the server for each movie id slug right after app router '/ home router'