I am relatively new to Dearpygui and having trouble trying to use combo boxes to callback specified int values from a list stored in user_data using the string values of another list in the items of the combo. This code is not my actual code but addresses the problem.
import dearpygui.dearpygui as dpg
listA = ["a", "b", "c"]
listB = [2, 5, 8]
def getvalues(sender, data):
letter = dpg.get_value("char")
print(f"Sender: {sender}")
print(f"Letter: {letter}")
print(f"Data: {data}")
with dpg.window():
dpg.add_combo(label="letters", tag="char", items=listA)
dpg.add_button(label="Get", callback=getvalues, user_data=listB)
dpg.create_viewport(title='Custom Title', width=800, height=600)
For the letter I get the letter selected in the combo, but data shows up as None and I can't figure out how I should code this.
I tried using .index() for the lists to get indices of ListA and subscript it to ListB. I also tried using dpg.set_value() but that just changed the data of the letter. Please help me out!
Use .index() but get the value from the combo like this:
listA = ["a", "b", "c"]
listB = [2, 5, 8]
def getvalues():
selectlistA = dpg.get_value("char")
if selectlistA in listA:
index = listA.index(selectlistA)
selectlistB = listB[index]
print(f"value: {selectlistB}")
with dpg.window():
dpg.add_combo(label="letters", tag="char", items=listA)
button = dpg.add_button(label="Get", callback=getvalues)