I have a function that I used to draw lines and then stroke the path.
export const getSolidColor = (hex) => {
const color = new SolidColor()
color.rgb.hexValue = hex
return color
export const drawLines = (doc, coordinates, title) => {
const lines = []
for (i = 0; i < coordinates.length; i++) {
const { anchor, kind, ldr, rdr } = coordinates[i]
const point = [anchor.x, anchor.y]
const line = new PathPointInfo()
line.kind = kind
line.anchor = point
line.leftDirection = ldr ? [ldr.x, ldr.y] : point
line.rightDirection = rdr ? [rdr.x, rdr.y] : point
const subPath = new SubPathInfo()
subPath.closed = true
subPath.entireSubPath = lines
subPath.operation = ShapeOperation.SHAPEXOR
const item = doc.pathItems.add(title, [subPath])
return item
When I call this function to strokePath
it works fine.
// Create a new document
const width = 1920
const height = 1080
const ppi = 72
const title = "Character 1"
const mode = NewDocumentMode.RGB
const newDoc = app.documents.add(width, height, ppi, title, mode)
const brush = ToolType.BRUSH
drawLines(newDoc, coords, "Line 1").strokePath(brush)
But, when I try to fill the path using the fillPath
method, the layer just appears empty.
export const convertPoints = (points) => {
const newPoints = []
for (i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
kind: PointKind.CORNERPOINT,
anchor: {
x: points[i][0],
y: points[i][1]
ldr: null,
rdr: null
return newPoints
const newPoints = convertPoints([
[width * 0.33, height * 0],
[width * 0.33, height * 1],
[width * 0.5, height * 1],
[width * 0.5, height * 0]
const fillColor = getSolidColor("0080ff")
const opacity = 90
const fillMode = ColorBlendMode.NORMAL
const preserveTransparency = true
const feather = 0
const wholePath = true
const antiAlias = true
drawLines(newDoc, newPoints, "Line 2").fillPath(
The shape appears along with the anchor points on the Photoshop document but its not colored or filled inside. Does anyone know how to do with with ExtendScript?
Thank you!
You can fill a path (once selected) with the foreground colour using:
var idFl = charIDToTypeID( "Fl " );
var desc43 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
var ref8 = new ActionReference();
var idPath = charIDToTypeID( "Path" );
var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" );
ref8.putEnumerated( idPath, idOrdn, idTrgt );
desc43.putReference( idnull, ref8 );
var idWhPt = charIDToTypeID( "WhPt" );
desc43.putBoolean( idWhPt, true );
executeAction( idFl, desc43, DialogModes.NO );