I have SQLlite database which contain this table:
In this table we can see rows which describe a specific tasks. Nesting of tasks is implemented using root_task_id cells. For example: task with id: 1, is root task for task with id: 19, and task with id: 19 is root task for task with id: 20. And that means: task with id: 20 is subtask of task with id: 19, and task with id: 19 is subtask of task with id: 1.
When i get this data from database to Python program I want to create hierarchy of this tasks by using objects of Task class:
class Task:
def __init__(self, task_id, root_task_id, task_name, task_text, task_is_executed, subtasks = []):
self.id = task_id
self.root_task_id = root_task_id
self.name = task_name
self.text = task_text
if task_is_executed == 0:
self.is_executed = "No executed"
self.is_executed = "EXECUTED"
self.subtasks = subtasks
Hierarchy of this tasks must be implemented by using subtasks property of Task class objects. In short I need to pack tasks as subtasks according to hierarchy implemented by root_task_id cells of SQL table.
I wrote this code, but that has some mistake, which I cannot detect:
def wrap_up_task_recursive(task: Task, tasks: list[Task], depth = 0):
for root_task in tasks:
print(f"root_task with id: {root_task.id}, is root? for task with id: {task.id}, that has root task with id: {task.root_task_id}?")
if task.root_task_id == root_task.id:
if len(root_task.subtasks) != 0:
wrap_up_task_recursive(task=task, tasks=root_task.subtasks, depth=depth + 1)
def convertTasksToUserFrandlyFormat2(all_tasks: list[Task]) -> list[Task]:
root_tasks: list[Task] = []
root_tasks_indexes: list[int] = []
for index, task in enumerate(all_tasks):
if task.root_task_id == None:
print(f"Root tasks indexes: {root_tasks_indexes}")
for index in root_tasks_indexes:
for rt in root_tasks:
print(f"id: {rt.id}")
print(f"root_id: {rt.root_task_id}")
print(f"sub: {len(rt.subtasks)}")
for t in all_tasks:
print(f"id: {t.id}")
print(f"root_id: {t.root_task_id}")
print(f"sub: {len(rt.subtasks)}")
for task in all_tasks:
wrap_up_task_recursive(task=task, tasks=root_tasks)
return root_tasks
def indentation(depth: int) -> str:
resultStr = ""
for _ in range(depth):
resultStr += " "
return resultStr
def recursiveReading(task: Task, depth = 0):
print(f"{indentation(depth)} id = {task.id}")
def readTasksToUserFrandlyFormat(all_tasks: list[Task]):
for task in all_tasks:
task1 = Task(task_id=1, root_task_id=None, task_name="New task", task_text="This is new task", task_is_executed=0)
task2 = Task(task_id=14, root_task_id=None, task_name="New task", task_text="This is new task", task_is_executed=0)
task3 = Task(task_id=15, root_task_id=None, task_name="New task", task_text="This is new task", task_is_executed=0)
task4 = Task(task_id=16, root_task_id=None, task_name="New task", task_text="This is new task", task_is_executed=0)
task5 = Task(task_id=17, root_task_id=None, task_name="New task", task_text="This is new task", task_is_executed=0)
task6 = Task(task_id=18, root_task_id=None, task_name="New task", task_text="This is new task", task_is_executed=0)
task7 = Task(task_id=19, root_task_id=1, task_name="New task", task_text="This is new task", task_is_executed=0)
task8 = Task(task_id=20, root_task_id=19, task_name="New task", task_text="This is new task", task_is_executed=0)
all_tasks = [task1, task2, task3, task4, task5, task6, task7, task8]
h_all_tasks = convertTasksToUserFrandlyFormat2(all_tasks)
Console output:
Root tasks indexes: [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
id: 1
root_id: None
sub: 0
id: 14
root_id: None
sub: 0
id: 15
root_id: None
sub: 0
id: 16
root_id: None
sub: 0
id: 17
root_id: None
sub: 0
id: 18
root_id: None
sub: 0
id: 19
root_id: 1
sub: 0
id: 20
root_id: 19
sub: 0
root_task with id: 1, is root? for task with id: 19, that has root task with id: 1?
root_task with id: 1, is root? for task with id: 20, that has root task with id: 19?
root_task with id: 19, is root? for task with id: 20, that has root task with id: 19?
root_task with id: 14, is root? for task with id: 20, that has root task with id: 19?
root_task with id: 19, is root? for task with id: 20, that has root task with id: 19?
root_task with id: 15, is root? for task with id: 20, that has root task with id: 19?
root_task with id: 19, is root? for task with id: 20, that has root task with id: 19?
root_task with id: 16, is root? for task with id: 20, that has root task with id: 19?
root_task with id: 19, is root? for task with id: 20, that has root task with id: 19?
root_task with id: 17, is root? for task with id: 20, that has root task with id: 19?
root_task with id: 19, is root? for task with id: 20, that has root task with id: 19?
root_task with id: 18, is root? for task with id: 20, that has root task with id: 19?
root_task with id: 19, is root? for task with id: 20, that has root task with id: 19?
id = 1
[<myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E750>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>]
id = 14
[<myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E750>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>]
id = 15
[<myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E750>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>]
id = 16
[<myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E750>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>]
id = 17
[<myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E750>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>]
id = 18
[<myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E750>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>, <myTaskManager.Task object at 0x000001BCA396E780>]
Surprisingly, all my code is working correctly, except for the line:
def __init__(self, task_id, root_task_id, task_name, task_text, task_is_executed, subtasks = []):
In this line of code I have constructor with Default Parameter: subtasks = [] which is causing the problem that all objects of Task class have the same subtasks list (reference to the same memory cell). What causes the confusion when you use a “mutable” object as a default value; The reason is simple: the constructor keeps using the same Default Parameter object, in each call. Anyone who wants to understand it in more detail, I strongly recommend reading this post which @Michael Butscher advised me in comments.
What do I need to do to make my code work as expected? To do this you only need to change two lines of code: replace subtasks = [] Default Parameter in constructor to subtasks = None and then replace self.subtasks = subtasks to self.subtasks = [] inside init function. This is how it should be:
class Task:
def __init__(self, task_id, root_task_id, task_name, task_text, task_is_executed, subtasks = None):
self.id = task_id
self.root_task_id = root_task_id
self.name = task_name
self.text = task_text
if task_is_executed == 0:
self.is_executed = "No executed"
self.is_executed = "EXECUTED"
if subtasks == None:
self.subtasks = []
self.subtasks = subtasks
Also I am attaching the complete code for pack tasks as subtasks according to hierarchy implemented by root_task_id cells of SQL table:
class Task:
def __init__(self, task_id, root_task_id, task_name, task_text, task_is_executed, subtasks = None):
self.id = task_id
self.root_task_id = root_task_id
self.name = task_name
self.text = task_text
if task_is_executed == 0:
self.is_executed = "No executed"
self.is_executed = "EXECUTED"
if subtasks == None:
self.subtasks = []
self.subtasks = subtasks
def wrap_up_task_recursive(task: Task, tasks: list[Task], depth = 0):
for root_task in tasks:
print(f"root_task with id: {root_task.id}, is root? for task with id: {task.id}, that has root task with id: {task.root_task_id}?")
if task.root_task_id == root_task.id:
if len(root_task.subtasks) != 0:
wrap_up_task_recursive(task=task, tasks=root_task.subtasks, depth=depth + 1)
def convertTasksToUserFrandlyFormat2(all_tasks: list[Task]) -> list[Task]:
root_tasks: list[Task] = []
root_tasks_indexes: list[int] = []
for index, task in enumerate(all_tasks):
if task.root_task_id == None:
print(f"Root tasks indexes: {root_tasks_indexes}")
for index in root_tasks_indexes:
for rt in root_tasks:
print(f"id: {rt.id}")
print(f"root_id: {rt.root_task_id}")
print(f"sub: {len(rt.subtasks)}")
for t in all_tasks:
print(f"id: {t.id}")
print(f"root_id: {t.root_task_id}")
print(f"sub: {len(rt.subtasks)}")
for task in all_tasks:
wrap_up_task_recursive(task=task, tasks=root_tasks)
return root_tasks
def indentation(depth: int) -> str:
resultStr = ""
for _ in range(depth):
resultStr += "|__"
return resultStr
def recursiveReading(task: Task, depth = 0):
print(f"{indentation(depth)} id = {task.id}")
if len(task.subtasks) != 0:
for subtask in task.subtasks:
recursiveReading(subtask, depth + 1)
def readTasksToUserFrandlyFormat(all_tasks: list[Task]):
print("********Task hierarchy********")
for task in all_tasks:
task1 = Task(task_id=1, root_task_id=None, task_name="New Task", task_text="This is new task", task_is_executed=0)
task2 = Task(task_id=2, root_task_id=1, task_name="New Task", task_text="This is new task", task_is_executed=0)
task3 = Task(task_id=3, root_task_id=None, task_name="New Task", task_text="This is new task", task_is_executed=0)
task4 = Task(task_id=4, root_task_id=2, task_name="New Task", task_text="This is new task", task_is_executed=0)
task5 = Task(task_id=5, root_task_id=4, task_name="New Task", task_text="This is new task", task_is_executed=0)
listOfTasks = [task1, task2, task3, task4, task5]
listOfTasksWithHierarchy = convertTasksToUserFrandlyFormat2(listOfTasks) # Here list of packed tasks as subtasks according to hierarchy implemented by root_task_id cells of SQL table.
Console output:
Root tasks indexes: [2, 0]
id: 1
root_id: None
sub: 0
id: 3
root_id: None
sub: 0
id: 2
root_id: 1
sub: 0
id: 4
root_id: 2
sub: 0
id: 5
root_id: 4
sub: 0
root_task with id: 1, is root? for task with id: 2, that has root task with id: 1?
root_task with id: 1, is root? for task with id: 4, that has root task with id: 2?
root_task with id: 2, is root? for task with id: 4, that has root task with id: 2?
root_task with id: 3, is root? for task with id: 4, that has root task with id: 2?
root_task with id: 1, is root? for task with id: 5, that has root task with id: 4?
root_task with id: 2, is root? for task with id: 5, that has root task with id: 4?
root_task with id: 4, is root? for task with id: 5, that has root task with id: 4?
root_task with id: 3, is root? for task with id: 5, that has root task with id: 4?
********Task hierarchy********
id = 1
|__ id = 2
|__|__ id = 4
|__|__|__ id = 5
id = 3