
Copy Duplicates based on specific columns and pathem to another sheet

I'm trying to find a Office script (preferably) or VBA that concats the columns: NUMBER,RECORDS,SITE,LC,DESC so it becomes a unique id. Then I'd like to the find the duplicate values of that unique id and return the duplicates value and copies the whole row into another existing blank worksheet.


NUMBER Records ID1 Site LC Desc ID2
100103 23019 1 MAIL1 LOCK HOUSE A
200103 23019 2 MAIL2 DOCK HOUSE B
100103 23019 3 MAIL1 LOCK HOUSE C
100103 23019 4 MAIL4 DOCK HOUSE D
200103 23019 5 MAIL2 DOCK HOUSE E
100103 23019 6 MAIL6 DOCK HOUSE F


NUMBER Records ID1 Site LC Desc ID2
100103 23019 1 MAIL1 LOCK HOUSE A
100103 23019 3 MAIL1 DOCK HOUSE C
200103 23019 2 MAIL2 LOCK HOUSE B
200103 23019 5 MAIL2 DOCK HOUSE E

Here's a post that solves the problem but now I'm trying to find a way to concat specific columns and then returning the whole row for duplicate values


  • The main logic is same as privous answer.

    function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
      const Sheet1 = workbook.getWorksheet("Sheet1");
      const Sheet2 = workbook.getWorksheet("Sheet2");
      const dataRng = Sheet1.getRange("A1").getSurroundingRegion()
      const dataVals = dataRng.getValues();
      // Extracting columns for duplicate check
      const keyCols = "1|2|4|5|6"; // modify as needed
      const colIndex = keyCols.split("|").map(c => Number(c) - 1);
      const mergedRows: string[] = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < dataVals.length; i++) {
        const row = dataVals[i];
        const mergedRow = colIndex.map(idx => row[idx]).join("|");
      const dupVals = findDuplicateRows(mergedRows, dataVals);
      if (dupVals) {
        const rowCnt = dupVals.length;
        const colCnt = dupVals[0].length;
        Sheet2.getRange("A1").getAbsoluteResizedRange(rowCnt, colCnt).setValues(dupVals);
      } else {
        console.log("No duplicated data")
    function findDuplicateRows(mergedRows: string[], dataVals: (string | boolean | number)[][]): (string | boolean | number)[][] {
      const duplicateRows: (string | boolean | number)[][] = [];
      const foundRows: Set<string> = new Set();
      for (let i = 0; i < mergedRows.length; i++) {
        const row = mergedRows[i];
        if (!foundRows.has(row)) {
          for (let j = i + 1; j < mergedRows.length; j++) {
            if (row === mergedRows[j]) {
              duplicateRows.push(dataVals[i]); // Add the entire row
        } else {
      return duplicateRows;