Attempting to connect my DApp to Hashpack, using hashconnect
, however, the pairing never seems to trigger.
When I call the connectWallet
function in wallet-hashpack.js
, I expect this to happen,
but instead I get some console output indicating something awry (copied below)
Pairing string created: undefined testnet
seems to be off - what should the undefined
be here?URI Missing
happens. What URI is this referring to?hashconnect.js:1 hashconnect - Pairing string created: undefined testnet
hashconnect.js:1 hashconnect - URI Missing
(anonymous) @ hashconnect.js:1
_0x395637 @ hashconnect.js:1
(anonymous) @ hashconnect.js:1
(anonymous) @ hashconnect.js:1
hashconnect_awaiter @ hashconnect.js:1
_0x4214d1.<computed>.openPairingModal @ hashconnect.js:1
connectWallet @ wallet-hashpack.js:52
setUpUi @ dapp.js:54
wallet-hashpack.js:46 connectionStatusChangeEvent Connected
hashconnect.js:1 hashconnect - Initialized
hashconnect.js:1 hashconnect - connecting
hashconnect.js:1 hashconnect - Generating pairing string
Here's the full code for wallet-hashpack.js
, which is based on following along the video from the official tutorial.
import {
} from '@hashgraph/sdk';
import {
} from 'hashconnect';
const walletConnectProjectId = '74463bad237813f44dd5bc362c74bbf8';
const appMetadata = {
name: 'HCS Skills',
description: 'HCS Skills',
url: 'http://localhost:3113',
icons: [''],
let hashconnect;
let state;
let pairingData;
async function init() {
hashconnect = new HashConnect(
true, // debug mode on
await hashconnect.init();
async function registerEvents() {
hashconnect.pairingEvent.on((newPairing) => {
console.log('pairingEvent', newPairing);
pairingData = newPairing;
hashconnect.disconnectionEvent.on(() => {
pairingData = null;
hashconnect.connectionStatusChangeEvent.on((newState) => {
console.log('connectionStatusChangeEvent', newState);
state = newState;
async function connectWallet() {
await hashconnect.openPairingModal();
async function disconnectWallet() {
await hashconnect.disconnect();
pairingData = null;
async function submitTransactionWallet(tx) {
const currentAccount = pairingData.accountIds[0];
const accountId = AccountId.fromString(currentAccount);
let result;
try {
result = await hashconnect.sendTransaction(accountId, tx);
} catch (error) {
return { result, error };
export {
The underlying cause seem to be invoking hashconnect.openPairingModal()
before the Hashpack wallet browser extension had finished its own initialisation.
Adding a delay appears to fix it:
setTimeout(hashConnect.openPairingModal, 500);
Now the console output looks like this instead:
wallet-hashpack.js:50 connectionStatusChangeEvent ConnectedconnectionStatusChangeEvent Connected
hashconnect.js:1 hashconnect - Initialized
hashconnect.js:1 hashconnect - connecting
hashconnect.js:1 hashconnect - Generating pairing string
... and subsequently, upon "approving" the connection request in the Hashpack browser extension, the following is output:
hashconnect.js:1 hashconnect - Pairing string created: wc:fakefake4ecefa271490d104213b9c607e1f8a519ce8967fdd776ab0ce5949b7@2?expiryTimestamp=1713162326&relay-protocol=irn&symKey=fakefakeda37cb5d79e1bfce30e1b04b3befe1c59e53c2dcf3879c67407fd31 testnet
hashconnect.js:1 hashconnect - Connecting to iframe parent wallet
hashconnect.js:1 hashconnect - Finding local wallets
wallet-hashpack.js:58 undefined
hashconnect.js:1 hashconnect - Local wallet metadata recieved {type: 'hashconnect-query-extension-response', metadata: {…}}
hashconnect.js:1 hashconnect - Connecting to local wallet
hashconnect.js:1 hashconnect - Approval received {topic: 'fakefakeabd8500f171a144d92a03279daa30c079d4a72506db6aa49f9d67c77', relay: {…}, expiry: 1713766844, namespaces: {…}, acknowledged: true, …}
wallet-hashpack.js:50 connectionStatusChangeEvent Paired
wallet-hashpack.js:42 pairingEvent {metadata: {…}, accountIds: Array(1), network: 'testnet'}