
Add jsp-support to embedded Jetty 12

I am trying to make an application with an embedded Jetty 12.0.7 that should serve static content like html and css files and dynamic like servlets and filters. The code I have, so far, goes here:

    public static void init() throws Exception {
        Server server = new Server();

        ServerConnector connector = new ServerConnector(server);

        // Create and configure a ResourceHandler.
        WebAppContext handler = new WebAppContext();

        // Configure the directory where static resources are located.
        URL r = Start.class.getResource("/web/");

        handler.addServlet(HelloServlet.class, "/hi");
        handler.addFilter(LoggerFilter.class, "/*",
                EnumSet.of(INCLUDE, ASYNC, FORWARD, ERROR, REQUEST));


Now I want to add support to also have jsp files along with the other stuff under /web/ (which, by the way, is under the /src/main/resources/ path). Does anyone know how to add jsp support to the function above? My dependencies, so far, look like this:





I have been trying to make Jetty 'understand' jsp-files but to no success.


  • I'm not using WebAppContext but ServletContextHandler, but hopefully it won't be much different.

    First, JettyJasperInitializer has to be added in addition to JettyJspServlet:

    handler.addServlet(JettyJspServlet.class, "*.jsp");

    But that's not enough actually, you also have to explicitly set the handler's class loader:


    (you could also use Start.class.getClassLoader())

    I do also set a specific temporary directory, although it's not required:

    var tempdir = Files.createTempDirectory("jsp").toFile();
    handler.setAttribute(ServletContext.TEMPDIR, tempdir);

    And of course you can configure various init parameters of the JettyJspServlet (see documentation at and default configuration –when using non-embedded Jetty, so to be replicated with embedded Jetty– at At a minimum you'll want to set "development" to false when running in production. The temporary directory above could also be configured as "scratchDir" init parameter on the servlet.