When I am in the Typo 3 backend and try to hit Create new record in the list view I get this error: #1476107295 TYPO3\CMS\Core\Error\Exception PHP warning: Undefined array key "ctrl" in /var/www/{Website}/vendor/typo3/cms-backend/Classes/Controller/NewRecordController.php line 471
I am using Typo 3 version 12.4.7 and PHP version 8.1.2 on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS with Apache/2.4.52. I am running Typo 3 in composer mode. The whole project is based on an non public template by the german red cross (no support from that side so iam stuck on my own).
How can I fix this error, do I need to edit the code of the cms bachkend class or is it just something that is misconfigured in my install?
I tried completly restoring the template state (should work, was tested and is deployd by many sides) but that did not solve the problem.
An update of all Extensions with composer fixed the Problem. Its still a bit strange, cause it should have worked with the old version, but i am happy it was a quick fix.