Just general question, can anyone pls help how to perform left join on union data. I have query where I am doing union of data(using table1 and table2) based on few conditions now I need to perform left outer join with third table(table5) ,so I am looking for help how to do it. Just sample query will be fine.
I have created scenario on fiddle where I have done union based on few conditions using table 1 and table 2.https://dbfiddle.uk/WN6uC5MH Now I need to use output of union and perform left join on third table i.e table 5.So I need to do left join on field 6 of table 5 with output field 1 of union data if it matches then insert rows in table 5 all values will remain same except field 9 which we will get from union output data(field3):
Output will look like this :
once instead of calling replace()
twice. You can also merge your translate()
calls instead of nesting those.regexp_split_to_table()
directly instead of wrapping unnest(string_to_array())
.with your_big_union as (
select field1,field2,string_agg(distinct fld,',') field3
select *
select field1,field2,fld
from table1 t1
left join (
select * from table2
cross join regexp_split_to_table(trim(translate(field4,'{}','')),',') fld
on concat(t1.field2,';') similar to concat('%',t2.field3,'[();]%')
where field2 like '%fn@_%' escape '@' and fld is not null
group by field1,field2
(with cte as (
select field1,field2
||translate( btrim(field2)
,'' )
||'''' as edited_field2
from table1)
,cte2 as (
select *,t.spotted_table as spotted_target,s.spotted_table as spotted_source
from cte
left join regexp_matches(
) with ordinality as target_matches(hits,n1) on true
left join unnest(target_matches.hits) with ordinality as t(spotted_table,n2) on true
left join regexp_matches(
) with ordinality as source_matches(hits,n1) on true
left join unnest(source_matches.hits) with ordinality as s(spotted_table,n2) on true)
select field1
,string_agg(distinct spotted_target,',') as spotted_targets
-- ,string_agg(distinct spotted_source,',') as spotted_sources
from cte2 where edited_field2 not like '%fn@_%' escape '@' and spotted_target is not null
and coalesce(split_part(spotted_target,'.',1) !~* '_inc"?$',true)
and coalesce(split_part(spotted_source,'.',1) !~* '_inc"?$',true)
group by field1,edited_field2
order by field1))
select *
from table5 left join your_big_union
on lower(your_big_union.field1) = table5.field6;
joins to field1
, you'll get no matches because you uppercased your 'J'
in field
, while field6
holds a lowercase. I'm not sure why you expect 3 results if you only have a single 'j'
on both sides of the join.