I've successfully managed to create a Terraform file for configuring Rundeck to run an inline BASH script. However, I want to take things further by figuring out how to automatically configure a job that makes use of Ansible.
From reading the provider documentation for a job, it looks like I need to configure the step_plugin
within the command
block that references the Ansible plugin. This takes a type
and a config
as shown below:
Unfortunately, unlike the other areas of the documentation, it does not list possible values for the type
so I have had to guess, with no success thus far. I always get an error message similar to:
Workflow has one or more invalid steps: [1: [The step plugin type "com.batix.rundeck.plugins.AnsiblePlaybookInlineWorkflowNodeStep" is not valid: Plugin not found: com.batix.rundeck.plugins.AnsiblePlaybookInlineWorkflowNodeStep]]
I did look up the list of plugins from the GET /plugins/list
endpoint and tried these names but they didn't work:
I also tried lots of variations of camelCase, snake_case etc on the words "ansible" "playbook" and "inline" with no combination seeming to work. I saw that in the returned API output, it stated that builtin
was set to false
. However, if I go to artifact/index/configurations
then I can see the Uninstall button suggesting that they are installed.
Does anybody know how to configure an Ansible job in Rundeck through Terraform/Tofu and can provide a basic example?
You must add the node_step_plugin
block (inside the command
block) pointing to the plugin's name and the config. A good way to see which options elements you need is to create a mockup ansible job, export it in YAML format, and then see the job definition content to apply on the terraform config
The terraform rundeck deployment file looks as follows (a very basic example tested on Terraform 1.8.0 and Rundeck 5.2.0):
terraform {
required_providers {
rundeck = {
source = "rundeck/rundeck"
version = "0.4.7"
provider "rundeck" {
url = "http://rundeck_url:4440/"
api_version = "47"
auth_token = "rundeck_auth_token"
resource "rundeck_project" "terraform" {
name = "terraform"
description = "Sample Created using Terraform Rundeck Provider"
resource_model_source {
type = "file"
config = {
format = "resourcexml"
file = "/path/to/your/resources.xml"
writable = "true"
generateFileAutomatically = "true"
extra_config = {
"project.label" = "Ansible Example"
resource "rundeck_job" "ansiblejob" {
name = "Ansible Test"
project_name = "${rundeck_project.terraform.name}"
node_filter_query = "tags: ansible"
description = "Ansible Playbook Test"
command {
node_step_plugin {
type = "com.batix.rundeck.plugins.AnsiblePlaybookWorflowNodeStep"
config = {
ansible-base-dir-path = "/path/to/ansible/config/"
ansible-become = "false"
ansible-binaries-dir-path = "/path/to/ansible/executable/"
ansible-playbook = "/path/to/your/playbook/ping.yml"
ansible-ssh-passphrase-option = "option.password"
ansible-ssh-use-agent = "false"