
what is the preferred-data-persistence-auth-method for using access token(connetion string) as authentication method in redis cache

I am changing the authentication method of a redis resource from managedidentity to access token what should be added in redis config PreferredDataPersistenceAuthMethod. Currently it is "preferred-data-persistence-auth-method": "ManagedIdentity"

whst should be the "preferred-data-persistence-auth-method" while using connection string(access token) as a auth method


  • What should be the "preferred-data-persistence-auth-method" while using a connection string (access token) as an auth method?

    According to this Github-Document, the preferred-data-persistence-auth-method is used to communicate with the storage account for data persistence, either by SAS or Managed identity.

    If changing the authentication method of a Redis resource from managed identity to connection string, what should be added in the Redis config PreferredDataPersistenceAuthMethod?

    To authenticate with a storage account connection string, use the following PowerShell command to modify the RedisConfiguration:

    Command and output:

    PS /home/venkatesan> Set-AzRedisCache -ResourceGroupName "v-xxx" -Name "xxx" -RedisConfiguration @{"rdb-backup-enabled" = "true"; "rdb-storage-connection-string" = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=venkat123;AccountKey=MnvIVSoYyxxxxxad+G9+SrsS+AStxf+aMQ==;"; "rdb-backup-frequency" = "30"}
    Name                   : sampleredis1
    Id                     : /subscriptions/xxx/resourceGroups/xxxx/providers/Microsoft.Cache/Redis/sampleredis1
    Location               : East US
    Type                   : Microsoft.Cache/Redis
    HostName               :
    Port                   : 6379
    ProvisioningState      : Succeeded
    SslPort                : 6380
    RedisConfiguration     : {[rdb-backup-enabled, true], [rdb-backup-frequency, 30], [rdb-storage-connection-string, DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;;AccountName=venkat123;AccountKey=[key hidden]], [aof-backup-enabled, false]…}
    EnableNonSslPort       : False
    RedisVersion           : 6.0
    Size                   : 6GB
    Sku                    : Premium
    ResourceGroupName      : xxxx
    IdentityType           : 
    SystemAssignedIdentity : 
    UserAssignedIdentity   : 
    PrimaryKey             : ATlKxxxxx
    SecondaryKey           : rBXHGXs2z3zxxxxxxx
    SubnetId               : 
    StaticIP               : 
    TenantSettings         : 
    ShardCount             : 
    Tag                    : {}
    Zone                   : 

    enter image description here

    Portal: enter image description here

    Reference: Set-AzRedisCache (Az.RedisCache) | Microsoft Learn