
Application.FileDialog not referenced?

Since my research has led me to belief that my references could have something to do with it ,here my references to my MS Access:

My problem is I'm trying to merely call up a file dialog as a function with the return being the string path chosen. I start of with

Dim fd as filedialog

Set fd = Application.filedialog(msoFileDialogSave)
With fd


Now, the decision with the dim is fine, but the "set" line gives an error saying that the method filedialog for the object "_application" is unsuccessful.

I've looked at similar problems here, but with no success. I expected to achieve my goals


  • You can use this code:

       Dim f As Office.FileDialog
       Dim varItem As String
       Set f = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
       With f
          .Title = "My Title"
          .AllowMultiSelect = False                 'or true
          .ButtonName = "Select"                    'give any name
          .Filters.Clear                            'clear filter before set new ones
          .Filters.Add "Excel files", "*.xl*"       'then create new ones
          .Filters.Add "Word files", "*.do*"
          .Filters.Add "Access files", "*.mdb; *.accdb"
          .FilterIndex = 2                          'pre-select one filter
          .InitialFileName = "D:\"                  'start directory
       If .Show Then
         ' In case of Multiselect use this code
         For Each varItem In f.SelectedItems
            Debug.Print varItem
         Next varItem
         ' In case of no MultiSelect use this code
         SelectedFileName = f.SelectedItems(1)
         ' User selected cancel
       End With
    End Function

    Additional options:

    enter image description here

    Need reference to "Microsoft Office Object Library"